
December 16, 2024
Digital Marketing
Solution Development

In this last installment for 2024, we’ll summarize the biggest technology takeaway of the year and what is on the horizon for 2025 and…
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November 19, 2024

There are basically two camps when it comes to providing any form of customer services – the camp that cares about every customer (like us), and the camp that only cares about numbers

October 9, 2024

While it’s common sense that any sovereign entity is only as secure as the borders of that entity, not all entities take Border Security seriously (*cough*, *hack*, *clears throat*).

September 9, 2024

"Have you seen the Beekeeper on Amazon Prime starring Jason Statham?" This is the question our Marketing Manager, Madeline asked me on a call recently. Coincidentally, I had seen the movie and thought it was really good because 1.) I am a sucker for action movies, and 2.) Jason Statham rarely disappoints. As a big fan of action movies or Jason Statham or both, I would highly recommend this one. Madeline then pointed out (and Spoiler Alert: what is the whole premise of the movie) is that Beekeepers protect the hive from baddies. Then she pointed out that at CMHWorks we do exactly that by providing Digital Security Services to our hive.

August 2, 2024

How many times you have said or heard these words, “Didn’t you get my email?” If email was reliable, the answer would be “very few” or “never”.

June 29, 2024

An overview of managing client expectations, emphasizing the importance of avoiding phrases like “I’m busy” and assuming clients need things ASAP.

June 7, 2024

In light of some initiatives we’ve been engaged in for the past few months, I’d like to take the opportunity in this month’s musings to discuss the subject of Customer Service.

September 26, 2023

One of the most common challenges facing any business today is differentiating itself in the digital world. It is virtually impossible to compete today without a visible digital presence.

January 1, 2021